Youth in Action

Summer 2013, in Paris, the Young Water Watchers Project

visuvigie+typoYou are less than 30 !  You have a particular relationship to water ! You are curious and looking forward to sharpen your knowledge and analysis on the social movements for water public management, on the effectiveness of the right to water in a capital like Paris, on citizens mobilization, on the elaboration of a commons vision on water in Europe…

Come and join us for this adventure all along the Seine and its affluents. A surprise stop is planned on a barge in the first days of July !

The detailed program for this event is being defined by participants from Paris area. Workshops will turn around case studies of Paris area battles for public management, access to water, citizens participation… These will be put in perspective with european water issues and oriented towards action!

Registrations are opened >>> here !

Network of 60 associations, Coordination Eau Ile-de-France offers its contacts and tools to motivated youngster for them to seize vital issues for the humanity. And why not, become experts…

Don’t wait to join the teams of youngster to investigate on actions carried on by the Coordination’s network on diverse territories and issues. The following case studies will be conducted during the month of June:

  • At Montreuil and Saint Denis (close Paris suburbs), a study is showing that not everybody has an equal access to water in the capital ! In 2010 the UN declared water as a human right, what is its application in Paris area ?
  • In the conurbation « Est Ensemble » (northeastern Paris suburb), an unprecedented citizens’ mobilization allowed a powershift in favor of public water management. What actions are now conducted towards re-municipalization?
  • In Essonne and Yvelines (southeastern suburb of Paris), many citizens movements are raising in favor of a public management of water. Who is leading them ? With what means ?
  • The Charles De Gaulle Paris Airport obtained a special autorisation for the rejection of rain waters in the Marne, just upstream of a drinking water plant. These rejections are highly polluting ! Surrounding populations are starting legal battles…
  • In Paris, Eau de Paris is supporting an alternative and innovative educational project « Porteurs de parole » (Word Carriers) in order to understand the consumption choices of the population of a neighbourhood: Why tap water ? Why bottled water ?
  • The European Union launched a new tool for citizens participation : the European Citizenship Initiative (ECI). The one on water carried by the syndicates is the first ECI to raise enough signatures. It has met great success at European scale, but not so much in France and Italy, why is that? What follow up should citizens give to it after EU Commission examines it? What difficulties are civil society and NGOs meeting to launch a new ECI?

Please find more details on the program of the project >>> here !

If you are interested, the contact person is :

09 82 31 73 84

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un réseau qui réunit citoyens et associations autour de la ressource en eau en Île-de-France et sur tout le territoire français, sur tous les aspects: social, environnemental, économique, juridique, de la santé, culturel…